How To Create a Hotel Website And Increase Profits


Over the last decade, more and more guests prefer to book a hotel stay online rather than through traditional means. More than 80% of worldwide travellers use the Internet to make a booking. Moreover, over 90% of guests use the Internet for research before they choose a hotel, looking at online reviews and information available on the hotel’s website.

Having a hotel website is incredibly important for hotels nowadays – they can greatly increase your direct bookings, drive high-quality traffic, and build your brand’s image. How to create one?

How important is it for hotels to have a website?

Nowadays, the first impression your guests will have about your hotel is made earlier than stepping through the doors into the lobby. Most travellers perform online research about their accommodation prior to travel – and what they find about the hotel online will largely dictate whether they decide to book or not.

Building a new website from scratch is a complex task that requires a team of professional software engineers and web designers. The easiest way to create a high-quality website is by using a dedicated CMS for hotels, tailored for your specific business needs.

What to consider when designing a website?

The look of your website should resonate with your target audience. If your guests are mostly business travellers, make sure your website looks professional and presents a full offer of business services available for guests. Promote amenities that could interest your target audience, creating new opportunities for upselling.

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is another important thing to remember when designing a website. Once you have your site ready, you’ll have to fill it with efficient content, optimised for visibility on search engines’ results pages. This helps drive traffic and increases your reach, guaranteeing a steady stream of new customers.

Profitroom – create user-friendly websites and increase direct bookings

Profitroom is an online hotel management suite, offering hotel owners a range of solutions for running a hotel, including an advanced booking engine, digital marketing services, marketing automation, and more.

The platform also includes an extensive website creator, allowing you to have a website designed and built for your specific needs, tailored to all of your preferences, and seamlessly integrated with Profitroom Booking Engine 360.

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