Keyword Research – Step By Step


Carrying out keyword research is not as simple as it seems. Developing a good list of keywords is essential when starting a digital strategy. For this reason, we are going to show you the step-by-step process of creating a good list and thus getting the right content to create a successful digital campaign.

How To Do Good Keyword Research?

To start, you will need to search for the most important keywords . You can focus on finding those words or phrases that respond to your product. What is it? What is it for? How does it help users? Must be flexible and creative.

Look for long tail keywords . After you have found the most important keywords, you must find the so-called ‘long-tail’ ones. These are focused on questions or doubts that users may have and are much easier to position. In this case, you should focus on Keywords that have low competition and difficulty.

Positioning difficulty . It is important to keep this point in mind when trying to find the best keywords. As we have mentioned, long-tail keywords are easier to position and present less difficulty than the main ones. You should focus on words that have low competition and difficulty, that is, that are easy to position, as in the previous case.

Search intent . This step involves organizing your keywords based on your search intent. That is, if it is a search aimed at finding information, simply navigation or promotion.

Filtering of results . Once we have selected all the words that we want to position, it is time to filter the results obtained. To do this, it will be essential to eliminate those words that have low search volume and those that present a high difficulty. 

Find the semantic keywords . When you have the final and processed list of keywords, it is time to study related or semantic keywords: those semantically related to other words in a text. This will allow you to find new opportunities in other content. 

Now that you know all the steps necessary to do good keyword research, it’s your time to give it a try. Remember that these are very important for any digital strategy and you should pay close attention to them if you want your project to be successful. A page that is not found on the Internet is destined to disappear, through keywords you will be able to position it in the same place where your target audience is.

Keywords have always been a fundamental pillar of SEO positioning as they define the search intent of millions of users and help identify the target audience. Only in this way will you get useful visits to your website and you will be able to convert the vast majority of users. Despite this, it should be remembered that keywords are not everything. Making excessive use of them can generate the opposite effect and get a penalty from Google. It is necessary that they are inserted in good content, that it is attractive and that it provides the complete information that the user wants to receive. Only then can you achieve good results.

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