Negative Reviews On Google

Have negative reviews been written to you on your Google My Business profile? You will create a new project, and you are afraid of receiving feedback… Don’t worry because you will learn to turn a negative situation into a positive one by having a little common sense and a left hand.

Negative Reviews

To manage your negative reviews, you must assess the importance of testimonials on the Internet because of a very high percentage of reviews before buying a product or hiring a service.
For this reason, it is a necessity to have social profiles to convey confidence to your potential customers, lose the fear of negative reviews, and manage them with guarantees.

Types Of Negative Reviews

Believe it or not, we can divide the testimonies into two groups:

  • Real: customer complaints about poor service, problems with products, or simply being unwell for the attention received
  • False: from your competition, former workers, or the neighbor who envies you

The false ones are the easiest to answer because they lack credibility. It is an excellent example of changing the perception of the comment for any user. 

Benefits of Google Reviews

On the other hand, negative reviews can be helpful for several reasons:

  • Profiles with varied opinions are more credible. Any business usually has a dissatisfied or troll customer.
  • Potential customers will know how you act in case of problems. If you give appropriate solutions, negative reviews will be positive for your business.
  • They enhance customer service: the return of payment, product change;… In this case, you will differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • Improving your service or products: criticism improves knowing the opinion of users.
  • Humanize the brand: anyone will know in a closer way how you act with your clients.

How To Respond To Negative Comments

Having seen what negative reviews are, types and in a way, their benefits, check our tips to answer them correctly, improving your brand image:

  • Respond to all reviews quickly to convey confidence to people who visit your Google My Business profile or social networks.
  • Evaluate the criticism before answering, commenting on it with your team to verify the events that occurred.
  • Answer in a polite way, understanding the user’s discomfort, avoiding accusations or conflicts.
  • Thanks for the time dedicated to the evaluation, even if hostile.
  • Contact the client by name, showing closeness.
  • Assume your responsibility and apologize, explaining the reason for what happened.
  • Facilitate an appropriate solution
  • Do not publish personal data, request personal information through private messages or email.
  • Avoid conflicts with trolls. You must remember that these reviews are not credible to other users. It simply conveys that they are not on the customer list.

Delete Google Reviews

If you consider deleting a negative comment, it is difficult because Google does not pay much attention to requests, but you can always try. On Facebook, the same thing happens, but by providing data privately, it may be possible.

An excellent resource to remove negative reviews is to refer to the GDPR, although it is not effective on all complaints. 

First, assess whether the comment is inappropriate to remove it from the platform. Then request it:

In Google My Business, click on the three points and mark the review as inappropriate, and you will begin the claim process.

The same thing happens on Facebook. Click on the three points and report the recommendation.


As you have seen, reviews are part of our life, so you will have to take care to maintain your online reputation through Google opinions, being an essential asset for any business. With empathy and education, being strategic with your answers will not harm your project.


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