What Is a CMS And Which Ones Are The Best For eCommerce?

What Is a CMS

More and more entrepreneurs are willing to make the most of new technologies, starting by creating their own websites and virtual channels.

Thanks to these supports, it is possible to boost a business, generate more sales, offer a better shopping experience to customers and provide more options to consumers.

Now, it is important to present a website in the best possible way, to attract the attention of Internet users and get them to navigate the website and its different tabs (especially if we are talking about an ecommerce ).

In this way, this is where CMS (Content Management System) comes in.

If you are wondering what a CMS is, what benefits its use generates and which are the best CMS for ecommerce , in this article we will address all these questions.

What Is A CMS?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that allows users to create and manage a website, without having to code it from scratch.

As? Customizing a website design by modifying templates and downloading pre-built extensions.

A CMS runs through browsers, so it does not require prior installation on the computer, and it is not necessary to have knowledge in design and programming to be able to use it.

I’m sure that if we tell you WordPress , Blogger or TYPO3, what a CMS is will start to sound a little more familiar to you.

Types of CMS

There are different types of CMS , such as:

  • Open source CMS . These are based on “a community of developers maintaining the software rather than it being owned by a single company. Third-party developers have access to the source code and can develop and improve the functionality of the software,” explains Hostinger. In other words, the CMS has been released for free for anyone to use.
  • CMS in the cloud . “Users can manage web content securely through the cloud and easily access it from multiple devices,” says Hostinger.
  • Proprietary CMS . To use these CMS it is mandatory to pay a license, whether annual, monthly or one-time.

Main Functions of a CMS

Creating a website involves endless elements. In this way, a CMS allows:

  • Create and publish pages.
  • Edit texts and codes of websites.
  • Control inventory and sales system.
  • Install plugins and extensions to increase website functions.
  • Have a media library, to upload images and videos that will be used on the website.
  • Moderate comments.

What Are The Advantages of CMS?

Having a CMS when managing a website has great advantages, since you will configure and have your own website in just a few minutes. Additionally, CMS :

  • They are intuitive and easy to use. As we mentioned, you do not need to have programming knowledge. Anyone can use a CMS.
  • They are accessible. Most CMS platforms are free to use.
  • They have a large amount of additional resources. CMSs are constantly being updated to adapt to the market and improve the user experience on websites. In this way, website owners have a wide variety of options to choose from to create and design the website, while CMS are ideal for carrying out the task of controlling and maintaining a website.
  • Linked to the above, they allow you to create highly scalable web pages. Installing extensions and plugins adds new functions to your website, making it possible to modify it when necessary (to adapt to user demand, be able to support so many visits at the same time, etc.).
  • Versatility. Thanks to the various extensions and plugins, it is possible to create different projects, regardless of their purpose, size, type… They can be created from web pages intended to sell products (ecommerce) to creating a blog.
  • They help save time (as we already mentioned). The basic structure of your website will be ready in a matter of minutes, without having to spend hours on a complex design, since you have various templates or themes at your disposal.
  • They increase the loading speed. CMSs generally contribute to increasing page loading speed, which improves the consumer experience.
  • They enable optimization for organic searches. Many CMS have tools that give advice and information on how to increase the chances that search engines will find a site’s pages.

How To Choose The Right CMS for Your Business?

There are various CMS platforms, so you must do a rigorous analysis before choosing one or the other. To do this, you must look at these factors:

  • Type of website. First of all, make sure that the CMS you choose has all the necessary tools to support your type of website.
    Price. Although most CMS are free to use, they tend to sell additional features. In this regard, verify that the total cost is within your budget.
  • Flexibility. Opt for a CMS with a large directory of extensions and templates. That is, choose a CMS that gives you various options to create and design your website.
  • SEO. The CMS must be able to optimize web pages to achieve a good position in search engines.
    Security. Check that the integrated security functions of the CMS are up to date and are capable of anticipating all types of malware, so as not to put the security and information of your website, as well as that of the users who visit it, at risk.

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