5 Facts About Social Recruiting


Find Applicants with Xing, Linkedin and Co.

Social media are expanding their spectrum more and more and are becoming an indispensable tool, especially in networks and careers. More and more often, job seekers no longer use the channels to find out something about a potential employer. They are also increasingly looking for job advertisements there. A study by the University of Bamberg gives the figures for this: In the study, job seekers indicated how they looked for new jobs. 25% of the participants used the career network XING, 20% relied on LinkedIn, and 12% searched, especially Facebook.

For companies, this means that the talent search will have to be approached differently in the future. We provide five facts about recruiting in social networks.

Social Recruiting is Suitable For Your Image.

The first distribution of a job advertisement should always take place via the company’s social media channels. Post the ads directly to the networks via the respective pages. In this way, you not only reach applicants who may already be interested in your company, but you can also understand exactly how successful the advertisement was.

The Community As Multipliers

You may not yet reach the applicant (s) of your choice through your accounts, but your community could. So please ask for recommendations, flags and your community to share the ad. Here, too, there is a good reputation as a bonus: If your friends recommend you as an employer, applicants will be more interested.

Direct Insights Into Colleagues And Everyday Work

We gladly accept empirical values ​​if they happen at eye level. Therefore, the assessment of a future colleague will appeal to applicants more than the assessment from the executive suite. Let employees become visible as brand ambassadors for your company.

Get Active Yourself – Active Sourcing

Have you ever thought of actively writing to suitable applicants yourself? In personnel recruitment, one speaks of “active sourcing”. If you use social media to find candidates who precisely match your expectations and requirements, you can also actively approach them. This has several advantages: From the first look, you already know that the critical data of this person matches your wishes. This increases the chance of qualified applicants and ultimately saves you a lot of time. The second advantage is that there is already a relationship between you and the person through the first contact. You consciously show interest. This commitment strengthens the bond with the company.

Tip: If you actively approach suitable applicants, they don’t even have to be looking for a job. These so-called “passive applicants” may not be actively looking for a new position but could be ready for a change with a suitable offer.

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